For the second consecutive night, the League of Women Voters of Clark County held a virtual candidate forum Thursday. This event included candidates for state representative in the 49th District, both races for Position 1 and 2.

The candidates were offered the opportunity to provide opening and closing statements as well as providing responses to questions posed by a moderator. Incumbent Sharon Wylie (Democrat) and challenger Justin Forsman (Republican) participated in this forum. Candidate Kelli Fiskum (Independent) was unable to attend.
The event was televised by Here is a link to the video of the forum. The candidates in the race for Position 1 are featured beginning at the 37-minute mark:
Clark County Today has invited Fiskum the opportunity to provide her responses to the same questions answered by the candidates Thursday. This story will be updated when she provides those responses.
Clark County Today offers the following bio and profile information on each candidate (in alphabetical order):
Kelli Danielle Fiskum (Independent)
Kelli Fiskum is entering into the political arena for the first time. She has a Master’s Degree (Human Relations) from the University of Oklahoma and a degree in Recreation Management and Leadership from Western Washington University.

Fiskum has professional experience as a United States Navy career counselor as well as key account representative for Holland American Line and a certified account executive.
“We face unique challenges incurred during the extended Stay Home, Stay Healthy order,’’ Fiskum stated. “As an Independent, I seek to bridge the ever-increasing partisan divide that has prevented relevant and timely legislation, crippling our region.
“We must construct a fiscally responsible budget, with practical solutions that will result in a thriving and sustainable economy, while maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of our essential public services,’’ Fiskum stated. “As your voice in Olympia, I will actively pursue, with utmost conviction, the restoration and preservation of your constitutional citizen and parental rights. Together we can solve the issues at hand and strengthen our community.’’
Fiskum added, “We chose to settle down and buy our first and forever home here in Vancouver’s west side for a reason,’’ Fiskum said of her husband and children. “But over the last few years, we’ve become disillusioned with how the legislature is passing law, resulting in the regular erosion of parental and citizen freedoms. It’s time we get our priorities straight.
For more information, and to view more questionnaire responses, go to Fiskum’s campaign website,, and click on “more” and then “news.”
Justin Forsman (Republican)
Justin Forsman is a small business owner lists his professional experience as a small business owner whose goal “is to eliminate unconstitutional laws, hold our governor and elected officials accountable to their oaths of office and strengthen the liberties of the American people. The ever eternal duty of the American citizen to stand vigilant, against those who plan and or plot to take away our Freedoms, could not be more evident than today.

“We are under attack not only from our media, the ones we elect to safeguard our liberties, the various unelected governmental agencies, but further against each other,’’ Forsman stated on his campaign website. “We are brothers, sisters, neighbors, friends … but much more … we are Americans. It’s time to stand united, demanding the prosperity that our forefathers set forth to all of us equally. To demand: lower taxes, clean water, safe streets, education, prosperity, justice and due process to all American citizens!’’
Forsman states that his education includes United States and Washington State Constitution law scholar as well as the study of Economics, History, Criminal Justice in Forensic Science, Crime Scene photography, Crime scene investigations and fundamental principles in law enforcement and procedures.
“The complacency of state politicians to allow this destruction of Washington state has been unimaginable,’’ Forsman stated. “The ones we’ve elected to safeguard our liberties are dismantling them at unprecedented levels. Our Declaration of Independence guarantees ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.’ If you’re not allowed to work, you’ve been stripped of that guarantee of ‘Life.’ I will fight to ensure your rights are not violated or suspended. Our liberties are nonpartisan, they protect us all. I am pro Constitution.’’
For more information, go to Forsman’s campaign website,
Sharon Wylie (Democrat)
Sharon Wylie has served in the Washington State House of Representatives since 2011 after serving two terms in the Oregon House in the 1990s. Her professional work experience includes 30 years experience in human resources, risk management, small business and government relations.

Wylie earned a degree in Political Science at the University of California Riverside and has also taken professional courses in human resources and risk management. Her community service includes work on nonprofit boards including Council for the Homeless and Affordable Community Environments.
“I believe in public service,’’ Wylie said. “Being elected is a great honor. Transportation, mental health services, safety, housing and data privacy are priority issues. Economic recovery will take all of us. I have worked hard to improve our tax system for seniors.
“This is a wonderful part of the world,’’ Wylie added. “I want a clean environment and a healthy economy for my children and grandchildren. Working together, we can accomplish much.’’
For more information, visit Wylie’s Facebook page,