Domestic violence suspect apprehended in Portland after pursuit

Police chase across Clark County and Portland ends in arrest of Brett Chauncey, a wanted suspect for Domestic Violence and other charges, after he crashed a truck and fled on foot.
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Vancouver resident Brett Chauncey is facing several additional charges including Attempting to Elude a Pursuing Police Vehicle

On Friday (April 14)  just after 1 a.m., Clark County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a report of a wanted person located on a property in rural Battle Ground. 

Brett Chauncey, 55, of Vancouver, was reported to have entered the property of an alleged victim from a previous Domestic Violence incident for which he was the suspect. Chauncey was reported to have left the property in a blue colored box truck. 

Chauncey was wanted by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office for Assault in the second degree, Domestic Violence, and Malicious Mischief in the first degree, Domestic Violence. Additionally, Chauncey had multiple outstanding warrants for his arrest from the US Marshals Service and Cottage Grove (Oregon) Police Department. 

Responding deputies located the truck near NE Ward Rd and NE 162nd Ave. A traffic stop was attempted; however, Chauncey fled in the box truck. A pursuit was initiated, which led CCSO deputies across the Glenn Jackson Bridge (I-205), into Portland, and then east on I-84 at speeds of about 75 mph. 

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office terminated its pursuit for public safety after Chauncey drove through traffic cones, into an active construction zone, on I-84. 

The vehicle was followed by a Portland Police Bureau aircraft and patrol units from the Portland Police Bureau and Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office assisted in the case through the use of tire deflation devices. The truck eventually crashed near 82nd and Columbia, in Portland. 

Chauncey was apprehended a short distance from the vehicle after he fled on foot. He is facing additional charges for Attempting to Elude a Pursuing Police Vehicle in addition to those mentioned above. 

Information provided by Clark County Sheriff’s Office.

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