Disturbance downtown ends with a man falling onto a fire engine

Photo courtesy Vancouver Fire Department
Photo courtesy Vancouver Fire Department

An adult male there was throwing bricks, glass and other materials from the roof of a building

At 6 p.m. Saturday (March 23), the Vancouver Fire Department was dispatched to help the Vancouver Police Department with a subject on the roof of a building located at 114 W 6th St. in Vancouver.  

The Vancouver Police requested the fire department’s ladder truck to gain access to the roof.  An adult male there was throwing bricks, glass and other materials from the roof which was damaging property and endangering both the public and first responders.  

Photo courtesy Vancouver Fire Department
Photo courtesy Vancouver Fire Department

The Vancouver battalion chief requested Northwest Natural Gas and Clark Public Utilities to make sure no gas or electricity issues could escalate the situation.  

The male went out onto communication wires (not electrical) that crossed above the street.  The street was shut down and Fire Engine 1 was repositioned to potentially catch him if he should fall.  

Photo courtesy Vancouver Fire Department
Photo courtesy Vancouver Fire Department

After approximately 45 minutes on the wires above the street he fell onto Vancouver Fire Engine 1.  He quickly got to his feet.  Vancouver Police were able to talk him into getting down from Engine 1 and he was taken into custody.  The man was later transported by American Medical Response to a local hospital for evaluation. 

Information provided by the Vancouver Fire Department.

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