Damar Hamlin’s recovery energizes Americans’ belief in prayer

'Perhaps the hearts of the rising generation will be more open to the very real power of faith.'
Photo courtesy religionnews.com

‘Perhaps the hearts of the rising generation will be more open to the very real power of faith’

Bob Unruh
WND News Center

Buffalo Bills football player Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest on live television a few weeks ago. Emergency services responded, he was hospitalized and he’s recovering.

There were many people who openly called for prayer for him.

Now, a Western Journal report has revealed he credits God for “using him as a vessel” during that process.

In a social media video, Hamlin said his medical emergency was proof of faith.

“I think it was important for me to wait and speak publicly at the right time as it was just a lot to process within my own self mentally, physically, even spiritually. It’s just been a lot to process. But I can’t tell you how appreciative I am of all the love, all the support, and everything that’s just been coming my way,” he explained.

“What happened to me on ‘Monday Night Football’ I feel is a direct example of God using me as a vessel to share my passion and my love directly from my heart with the entire world, and now I’m able to give it back to kids and communities all across the world who need it the most, and that’s always been my dream. That’s always been what I stood for and what I’ll continue to stand for.”

He continued, “[W]ith God’s guidance, I will continue to do wonderful and great things. I couldn’t do this without any of the support and the love, and I can’t wait to continue to take y’all on this journey with me.”

Now there’s a new poll that shows two-thirds of the survey’s respondents said public calls for prayer are effective.

The polling, by Summit.org, in partnership with McLaughlin and Associates, surveyed 1,000 likely general election voters Jan. 19-23.

“This poll reveals that public calls to prayer after Damar Hamlin’s collapse from cardiac arrest on national television and through his miraculous healing have, at least for the moment, brought Americans together across the partisan divide,” explained Jeff Myers, president of Summit.org.

“Prominent members of the NFL community and sports commentators were led to publicly pray for Damar, and that resonated with the vast majority of Americans.”

He noted, however, the cynicism of those who are young put them in a category by themselves.

“Unfortunately young Americans seem more cynical about prayer, with a higher percentage than other age groups saying such calls to prayer are pointless. But with many young athletes now publicly expressing their faith, perhaps the hearts of the rising generation will be more open to the very real power of faith and prayer,” he said.

The poll showed 67.3% of voters “believe that public calls for prayer after a national tragedy are effective in light of the public outpouring of prayer for NFL player Damar Hamlin.”

A total less than 20% said that the calls for prayer were pointless.

The political factions were remarkably similar, with 73% of Republicans saying the public outpouring of prayer was effective, and 65.4% of Democrats and 62.4% of independents agreeing.

The largest segment of those who say calls to prayer are pointless came in the 18-29 age group, where 27.3% held that opinion.

And among those ages 30-40, 25.2% called the calls ineffective.

Even so, 54.7% of those 18-29 and 62.3% of those ages 30-40 believe they are “effective.”

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