County Council adopts resolution opposing tolling on I-5 and I-205 corridors

The Clark County Council this week voted unanimously to approve a resolution stating the county’s opposition to tolling on the Interstate-5 and Interstate-205 corridors in the Portland metro area.
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The recently approved Modified Locally Preferred Alternative for the I-5 Interstate Bridge replacement includes an assumption that a variable rate toll will be implemented

VANCOUVER – The Clark County Council this week voted unanimously to approve a resolution stating the county’s opposition to tolling on the Interstate-5 and Interstate-205 corridors in the Portland metro area. The Oregon Department of Transportation currently is proposing tolling for portions of both corridors. The resolution states that the council understands that tolls may be necessary for large infrastructure projects like the I-5 Bridge and that those tolls should be considered for the initial construction only and have a sunset.

The recently approved Modified Locally Preferred Alternative for the I-5 Interstate Bridge replacement includes an assumption that a variable rate toll will be implemented. 

“The proposed tolling will have a negative impact on those who cannot vary their work hours and those who are wage employees and least able to pay for the use of their roads which tax dollars have already paid for,” said Gary Medvigy, Councilor for District 4.

“The Clark County residents who cross the bridge for work pay taxes to the state of Oregon,” said Council Chair Karen Dill Bowerman. “When we think about the additional funds from tolls that would be collected in multiple places in order to accommodate their commute — it is good reason for this council to take a negative position on that tolling.”

More information on the council’s positions on the I-5 Interstate Bridge Replacement are on the county’s website at

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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