Congressman: Fauci is ‘a snake oil salesman’ trying to escape being accountable

Rep. Thomas Massie • Dr. Anthony Fauci
Rep. Thomas Massie • Dr. Anthony Fauci

‘Science didn’t evolve, Fauci ignored science’

Bob Unruh
WND News Center

With Anthony Fauci, Biden’s top bureaucrat on the COVID-19 pandemic, announcing that he’s leaving his government post before the next Congress, in which the GOP is expected to be the majority, there are opinions about his work appearing.

And they’re not all good.

For example, one member of Congress has compared him to a “snake oil salesman” trying to escape accountability.

It’s according to social media and a report in the Liberty Daily where Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., sounded off on the bureaucrat who during the pandemic insisted that he was “the science.”

A column at Liberty Daily charged he “is a conman at best and very likely complicit in the deaths of countless people.”

“Call me a skeptic, but I take threats by most in the feckless GOP as nothing more than campaign promises. But there are a few who I believe truly will try to hold Fauci and others accountable if the Republican Party can retake control of the House and/or Senate following the midterm elections. One such lawmaker is Congressman Thomas Massie who laid out Fauci’s fraudulent actions in a Twitter thread,” the column said.

Massie noted: “Science didn’t evolve, Fauci ignored science. He denied the existence of natural immunity. He spoke of droplets to avoid acknowledging the size of the virus was too small to be stopped by the filters of loose fitting cloth masks. The vaccine trials were designed NOT to show the vaccines didn’t prevent infection or spread, but he spoke as if they did. He ignored harm caused by locking down people – delayed cancer screenings, untreated diabetes, un-filled prescriptions, mental health (suicides), etc. He ignored and still ignores all side effects of the novel mRNA vaccines. The policies he advanced never properly acknowledged that the elderly had exponentially more risk than children. He cared not about the stunted social and educational development of children.”

Massie continued, “He downplayed early treatments and promoted late stage expensive pharmaceuticals while ignoring their side effects. Fauci isn’t science, he’s a snake oil salesman trying to quietly ride his wagon out of town before the people hold him accountable for his fraud.”

The commentary noted, “We need Congress to do its job as oversight for executive departments, and that includes holding bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci accountable, retired or not. Will a GOP majority heed Thomas Massie’s call or will they wimp out as usual?”

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