Committee members to write opposing statements sought for county Charter amendment measures

The Clark County Charter Review Commission voted to place seven Charter amendment proposals on the Nov. 2, 2021, general election ballot

VANCOUVER – Each year, the Clark County Auditor’s Office publishes a voters’ pamphlet for the primary election and mails it to all households in Clark County. It includes candidate statements and photographs and local ballot measures with supporting and opposing statements written by citizen committees. A legislative body placing a measure on the ballot shall appoint a committee to write a supporting statement and another committee to write an opposing statement.

At its July 7, 2021, regular meeting, the Clark County Charter Review Commission voted to place seven Charter amendment proposals on the Nov. 2, 2021, general election ballot. Committees have been appointed to write statements supporting the measures, but the Commission has not been able to identify people to write statements against the measures.

These measures are:

  • Resolution 2021-1, making County Executive Elected offices nonpartisan
  • Resolution 2021-2, making County Councilor Offices nonpartisan
  • Resolution 2021-3, providing for a five-district County Council
  • Resolution 2021-4, changing the frequency of Charter reviews and the length of Charter Review commissioner terms
  • Resolution 2021-5, requiring adoption of a new ethics code and a new autonomous review process
  • Resolution 2021-6, to establish a diversity, equity and inclusion office and commission
  • Resolution 2021-7, minor corrections and technical clarifications to the Charter

To review the complete texts of the resolutions, visit and follow the link to July 7, 2021, meeting.

Any Clark County resident who wishes to be appointed to any of the “Statement Against” committees to write an opposing statement to the measures is asked to contact Kristin Davidson, County Manager’s Office, at or by phone at (564) 397-4167. Please contact the county soon; the deadline is 3 p.m. Wed/, July 21.

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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