Commission on Aging reports to County Council 2022 Annual Report

The Commission on Aging will hold a joint meeting with the Clark County Council and present a summary of its tenth year of work on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 4:30 p.m.
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The commission dedicated its tenth year to the topic of ‘Innovation through Connection,’ and the need to connect older adults to resources, information and to each other on a personal level

VANCOUVER – The Commission on Aging will hold a joint meeting with the Clark County Council and present a summary of its tenth year of work on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 4:30 p.m. 

The Commission on Aging dedicated its tenth year to the topic of “Innovation through Connection,” and the need to connect older adults to resources, information and to each other on a personal level. These connection challenges existed before the pandemic and will continue into the future. At each commission meeting, experts provided insights on innovative outreach/communication strategies used to provide information about programs and services to older residents, families, friends, faith communities and neighbors. 

The Feb. 15 meeting will provide the opportunity for commission members to share with the council and public what they learned. The commission will also outline its 2023 work program, which will focus on community engagement and an update to the Aging Readiness Plan that is currently in progress.

Meetings are currently held in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual participation options. Attend in the sixth-floor Hearing Room of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St., or join by phone or computer through information provided at:

The Commission on Aging, supported by the Clark County Council, is a nine-member volunteer group that implements the Aging Readiness Plan and provides leadership addressing needs of aging community members. For more about the commission, visit

Commission meetings are carried on CVTV Channel 23/323 and online at To see replay times, go to

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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