Commission on Aging offers opportunities to advocate for older residents and more livable communities

Four positions open on the commission, which is focusing their 2023 work on completing the first ever update to the Aging Readiness Plan and an annual theme of Community Engagement

Clark County is seeking applicants for four positions on its Commission on Aging. The commission manages and implements the county’s Aging Readiness Plan and fosters countywide awareness, dialogue and insight into challenges and opportunities for residents of all ages, incomes and abilities.

Clark County is seeking applicants for four positions on its Commission on Aging.

Positions begin June 1, 2023. Volunteers typically serve three-year terms through May 31, 2026. One of the vacancies will complete an outgoing member’s term through May 31, 2024. Residents living anywhere in Clark County may apply.

The county is looking for people who can bring:

  • Interest and experience in issues and advocacy for older adults, related to: housing; transportation/mobility; supportive services; healthy communities; community engagement; and emergency preparedness which are elements of the Aging Readiness Plan;
  • Ethnic, cultural, social, and geographic diversity to the group; and
  • Outstanding strategic communication and public speaking skills and experience meeting with a wide range of individuals and organizations.

The Commission is focusing their 2023 work on completing the first ever update to the Aging Readiness Plan and an annual theme of Community Engagement.

The commission meets 3:15-6 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month, which includes a work session followed by a public meeting with informational presentations/discussions. Additional meetings, review of materials and related tasks may require an extra 10 hours per month. Meetings currently are being held in a hybrid format, with in-person and virtual options to attend.

Applicants should submit a résumé and letter of interest to Michelle Pfenning, County Manager’s Office, at Applications also may be mailed to P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000.

Submission deadline is 5 p.m. Fri., March 31.

The Aging Readiness Plan covers access to housing, transportation, health and safety, a variety of lifestyles, support services, and civic or social engagement. For more on the plan and commission, see

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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