Clark County Today launches podcast: Let’s look through the Newsroom Window

Welcome to the Newsroom Window podcast, a look behind the scenes at with reporters Chris Brown and Eric Schwartz. This week, we talk about the anniversary of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, why Eric recently climbed the mountain in a hilariously stupid way and how recent changes affect the discussion on the possibility of something many would also consider to be a disaster — tolling over the Columbia River.Welcome to the Newsroom Window podcast, a look behind the scenes at with reporters Chris Brown and Eric Schwartz.

This week, we talk about the anniversary of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, why Eric recently climbed the mountain in a hilariously stupid way and how recent changes affect the discussion on the possibility of something many would also consider to be a disaster — tolling over the Columbia River.

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