Clark County Sheriff’s Office Body Worn Camera Program approved by County Council

Clark County Council authorizes five-year contract with Axon Enterprises for Body Worn Cameras, vehicle cameras, and updated Taser products for Clark County Sheriff’s Office, with deployment expected to be completed by summer 2024.
A camera is front and center on the uniform of Chris Fisk, a deputy with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office, during a test run earlier this year. Photo by Paul Valencia

CCSO officials have been told to expect deliveries of BWC and Taser products by late Summer 2023 and vehicle equipment by Fall/Winter 2023

On Tuesday (June 20), members of the Clark County Council, in a unanimous vote, authorized the county manager to sign a five-year contract with Axon Enterprises that will provide Body Worn Cameras (BWCs), vehicle cameras, and updated Taser products to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO). Also approved was the supplemental budget to add staff to CCSO, the county Information Technology (IT) Department, and the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office that will be required to support this program.

CCSO officials have been told to expect deliveries of BWC and Taser products by late Summer 2023 and vehicle equipment by Fall/Winter 2023. 

CCSO will train and equip deputies with BWC in a phased process.

  1. The BWC rollout will begin in late summer/early fall 2023, with personnel assigned to patrol as soon as the equipment is delivered, followed by specialty assignments/detective units and those assigned to administrative positions. 
  2. New Taser deployments will begin once the BWCs have been deployed, and training/qualification has been completed. This should begin occurring in fall 2023.
  3. The vehicle camera system is a forward-facing camera that also captures video of the inside of the back seat of the patrol vehicles. The deployment of vehicle cameras should begin in early 2024.

CCSO would like to have the deployment of the BWCs, Tasers, and vehicle cameras completed by the summer of 2024.

The Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the voters of Clark County for passing the Public Safety Tax, which funds the BWC program. Thank you also to the Clark County Council, the County Manager’s Office, the Clark County IT Department, the Clark County Budget Office, and all those who worked on this project to get the program to this point. CCSO will continue to work diligently to earn and maintain trust and accountability with the community and believes this program is an important step in that process.

Information provided by Clark County Sheriff’s Office.

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