Clark County Republican Women urge residents to unify behind Joe Kent for U.S. House seat in Washington’s Third Congressional District

Joe Kent
Joe Kent

CCRW will ask its members to officially endorse Joe Kent at its next CCRW general membership dinner on Sept. 9

The Executive Board of Directors of the Clark County Republican Women (CCRW) is in complete agreement and have announced a unification effort to support Joe Kent, candidate for U.S. Congress. 

Emerging from a crowded primary election field of candidates from both political parties, CCRW congratulated Joe Kent as the top Republican vote getter to advance to the general election on Nov. 8. Kent will face liberal Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez.

CCRW will ask its members to officially endorse Joe Kent at its next CCRW general membership dinner on Sept. 9. 

“The future of our Republic is at stake,” said Liz Pike, president of CCRW. “By unifying behind America First candidate Joe Kent, we have a real opportunity to retire Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the U.S. House. We will achieve this by holding the Third Congressional District seat firmly in Republican hands coupled with national efforts to gain a majority in Congress. The primary election is over. We have a single candidate and it’s time for residents in Southwest Washington to come together to support Joe Kent.”

In February, 2021, CCRW made national news when the organization strongly condemned Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler’s vote to impeach sitting Republican President Donald J. Trump.  In doing so, the CCRW believed Herrera Beutler demonstrated a complete disregard for “we the people.”

Herrera Beutler failed to garner enough votes to advance after Washington State’s Primary on Aug. 2. In its Thursday (Aug. 11) statement, the CCRW said this result put “all Republican candidates on notice that they must not compromise on conservative ideals and will be held accountable by voters.’’

“CCRW understands what’s at stake,’’ the statement read. “Joe Kent’s Democrat opponent is in lock-step with Pelosi’s America-killing agenda. The CCRW Executive Board is thus united in its support for Joe Kent, a valued CCRW member, and his America First agenda of promoting strong borders, energy independence, lower taxes, fully funding Veterans and law enforcement officers, protection of the unborn, upholding First and Second Amendment rights, and America First trade and foreign policy.’’

“We must stand in unity with Joe Kent to take our country back,” said Pike. 

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CCRW is the largest Republican Women’s organization in Washington State and has been recognized by the National Federation of Republican Women and the Washington Federation of Republican Women for its numerous achievements. CCRW will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2023. For more information about CCRW, log onto

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