Clark County Republican Party conducts rescheduled precinct caucuses

On Saturday (Feb. 3), members of the Clark County Republican Party (CCRP) conducted their rescheduled precinct caucuses.

Straw poll conducted showing overwhelming support for Donald Trump for President and Semi Bird for Governor

On Saturday (Feb. 3), members of the Clark County Republican Party (CCRP) conducted their rescheduled precinct caucuses. Originally, the caucuses were scheduled to be held on Jan. 13 but because of the inclement weather, 10 of the 11 locations were closed, forcing the event to be rescheduled. 

In a quick pivot, the CCRP reserved the Clark County Fairgrounds Event Center for everyone to come to instead of 11 locations spread throughout the county. There was a good turnout of citizens who engaged in the process of electing delegates and alternates for the Clark County Republican Convention that will take place on March 16. Also, a strong consensus was established of who the preferred candidate for President and Governor of Washington was through a straw poll. 

For President, the results were overwhelmingly in favor of Donald Trump, who received over 90 percent of the vote. Nikki Haley received a little over 6 percent and 3 percent were “undecided.” In the race for Governor of Washington, Semi Bird received over 75 percent of the vote. Dave Reichert received 15 percent and over 9 percent were still “undecided.” Earlier in the year, the CCRP’s governing body of Precinct Committee Officers endorsed Semi Bird for governor early. The turnout of citizens last Saturday seemed to echo that same desire. 

At the County Convention on March 16, the CCRP will be encouraging all Republican citizens to come as guests. Delegates will be charged $20 to enter, alternates $15 and guests will be charged $5.

Information provided by Clark County Republican Party.

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