Clark County expands burn ban to include recreational fires

With no precipitation in the forecast and the expectation of temperatures in the 80’s and 90’s to continue, the ban will be in place until sufficient rainfall occurs to lower the risk

VANCOUVER – Due to the extreme fire danger, recreational fires will be prohibited throughout unincorporated Clark County effective 12:01 a.m., Sat., July 24. 

Due to the extreme fire danger, recreational fires will be prohibited throughout unincorporated Clark County effective 12:01 a.m., Sat., July 24.
File photo.

This recreational fire restriction is in addition to the general outdoor burning prohibition that was implemented on June 25. According to Fire Marshal Dan Young this is a preventive measure to reduce the risk of grass or brush fires as a result of escaped campfires. 

This ban joins with the ban imposed by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources on their lands. 

“The ongoing hot, dry weather in addition to an unusually dry spring, has us concerned with how easy it is for a fire to be ignited by an escaped ember from a recreational fire. A small campfire can accidentally spread to adjacent properties very easily with our current dry conditions,” he said.

With no precipitation in the forecast and the expectation of temperatures in the 80’s and 90’s to continue, the ban will be in place until sufficient rainfall occurs to lower the risk. 

Creating a defensible space around a home helps prevent wildfires from spreading to a residence, or vice versa. Young recommends the following measures in both rural and urban areas:

  • Remove fuel
    • Within 3-5 feet of foundations, outbuildings, garages and sheds
    • Within 10 feet of a house
    • Under decks and porches
    • From gutters, eaves, porches and decks
  • Cut the lawn if it is brown. Dispose of debris and cuttings.
  • Prune trees so the lowest branches are 6-10 feet above the ground.
  • Landscape with native and flame-resistant plants.

Self-contained camp stoves, which are not banned, are a safe and easy alternative for outdoor cooking. 

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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