Viewers can either tune in to Comcast channel 23/323HD or watch the live stream on CVTV’s website
VANCOUVER – Clark/Vancouver Television (CVTV) will provide the only live television coverage of Clark County’s general election results starting at 8:30 p.m. Tue., Nov. 2.

Hosted by Kelly Love, marketing director for the Vancouver Clinic, and Tim Becker, strategic communications manager for the city of Vancouver, CVTV’s election coverage will include up-to-the-minute election results, analysis, commentary and remote interviews with candidates.
Viewers can either tune in to Comcast channel 23/323HD or watch the live stream on CVTV’s website,
Haven’t voted yet? CVTV also offers a variety of programming to help residents learn more about the candidates running for office this year. CVTV’s 2021 Video Voters Guide, candidate interviews and coverage of several recent League of Women Voters forums are all available to watch on demand at
CVTV is the local government, non-commercial cable access channel operated and funded by the city of Vancouver and Clark County, Washington.
Information provided by city of Vancouver.