Outreach event for seniors and people with disabilities
VANCOUVER — Changes to property taxes impacting Clark County residents took effect beginning Jan. 1, 2020. Clark County residents will see continued changes in education property taxes, implementation of higher income levels for the Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Exemption and Deferral programs and graduated Real Estate Excise Tax (REET).

The Clark County assessor and treasurer will host a Property Tax Town Hall at 6 p.m. Tue., Jan. 28, at the Battle Ground Community Center, in the Lewis River Reception Hall to explain these changes and answer questions. The Community Center is located at 912 E. Main St.
Prior to the town hall, the Assessor’s Office will hold an outreach event for seniors and people with disabilities at the Battle Ground Community Center from 2:30-5:30 p.m. This event is designed to answer questions residents may have about the Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Exemption and Deferral Programs.

The Clark County Assessor’s Office administers the exemption and deferral programs which are designed to provide tax relief to qualifying homeowners. It is estimated an additional 16,000 people may qualify based on data received by the 2017 U.S. Census Bureau-American Community Survey.
The Washington State Legislature approved changes to the Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Exemption and Deferral Programs when it passed Senate Bill 5160 last session.
Starting with 2020 taxes, the qualifying program requirements are:
- Be at least 61 years old or deemed permanently disabled by the Social Security Administration or have an 80 percent service-connected disability rating by the Veterans Administration.
- Have an annual household income (taxable and non-taxable) of $50,348 or less for the exemption and $58,094 for the deferral.
- Own the home as a primary residence for nine months or more in a calendar year.
“With the new income levels now in effect, we want to try to reach as many seniors and people with disabilities as possible,” said Assessor Peter Van Nortwick. “We have fought for years to align income levels to the median incomes, and it is exciting to be able to deliver.”
Clark County Treasurer Alishia Topper is partnering with the Assessor’s Office to ensure notice of the new requirements reach as many people who qualify as possible.
“Collaboration and partnership between elected offices is the best way to have a positive impact on the people we serve. I’m committed to speak to as many seniors and veterans with disabilities as possible to ensure they have an opportunity to apply,” said Treasurer Topper.
The assessor encourages anyone interested in learning more about the exemption or deferral programs to contact his office by:
- Visiting the second-floor Joint Lobby in the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St.
- Calling (564) 397-2391
- Emailing: taxreduction@clark.wa.gov
- Visiting the website: www.clark.wa.gov/assessor
To learn more about Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5160 as passed by the legislature visit: http://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2019-20/Pdf/Bills/Senate%20Passed%20Legislature/5160-S.PL.pdf
Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.