Clark County approves agreement for CCSO to provide law enforcement services to La Center

Clark County and La Center approve a five-year agreement for CCSO to provide law enforcement.
Clark County and La Center approve a five-year agreement for CCSO to provide law enforcement. Photo courtesy Clark County Sheriff’s Office

The interagency agreement is a five-year contract in the amount of $5,332,507, with a renewal option at the end of 2029

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) is pleased to begin providing full-time law enforcement services to the city of La Center, thanks to a formal agreement between Clark County and La Center.  

On Tuesday (Oct. 15), the Clark County Council voted to approve a five-year contract with La Center. A temporary agreement for services had been in place since March.  

The interagency agreement is a five-year contract in the amount of $5,332,507, with a renewal option at the end of 2029. The city of La Center will pay for all costs associated with the new contract, which includes: 

  • Staffing, including one Commander (who will serve as the city’s full-time Chief of Police), four Deputies, and one Support Specialist.
  • The initial and ongoing cost of vehicles.
  • Gear such as body cameras, protective equipment, and weapons.
  • Computers and other essential equipment for operations.

The agreement also covers the costs of resources beyond patrol, such as investigations and other specialty services.

“We are pleased to have an agreement finalized between Clark County and La Center. This was a collaborative effort between the City of La Center, the Clark County Council and the County Manager, and the Clark County Sheriff’s Office,” said Sheriff John Horch. “The residents of La Center will see us protecting and serving their community, and our deputies are excited and ready to go.” 

“I can’t tell you how excited I am to have the Sheriff’s Office protecting the City of La Center,” said La Center Mayor Thomas Strobehn. “Returning police to the city has been my main focus since becoming Mayor. I know it took a little longer than anticipated, but I believe it gave us time to get the contract right. La Center residents love their police, and from my conversations with deputies, I think they got that feeling when patrolling or attending events in the city. This will be a great partnership, and I can’t wait to get started. I want to thank everyone who worked hard to make this happen, and I give special thanks to Sheriff Horch and Chief Mike McCabe for pushing it forward,” Strobehn said.  

Clark County Council Chair Gary Medvigy added, “This initiative has proven to be a more efficient way to spend limited, local tax dollars to strengthen public safety and be a positive for the Clark County Sheriff’s Office and local community being served.” 

All Sheriff’s Office staff will be in place by February 2025. 

The agreement is available on the County’s website here.

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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