City seeks volunteers to serve on Parking Advisory Committee

The city of Vancouver is seeking applicants interested in filling two vacancies on its volunteer Parking Advisory Committee.
Photo courtesy city of Vancouver

The Parking Advisory Committee is a seven-member volunteer body that advises the Vancouver City Council and city staff on parking policy and program implementation

VANCOUVER – The city of Vancouver is seeking applicants interested in filling two vacancies on its volunteer Parking Advisory Committee. Applications must be submitted by May 21.

The Parking Advisory Committee is a seven-member volunteer body that advises the Vancouver City Council and city staff on parking policy and program implementation. Applicants must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • Live or own property anywhere within the Vancouver city limits
  • Serve as an executive officer/partner or employee at a business located in the downtown area

All applicants must also be available for an interview with Vancouver City Councilmembers on a date to be determined. Parking Advisory Committee members serve four-year terms. The committee meets quarterly, or as needed, at 8 a.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Meetings are held both in-person and remotely. This recruitment is for two full-term appointments, with a term effective July 1, 2024 and expiring June 30, 2028.

Learn more about the city’s boards and commissions and apply online at

To request a printed application or for further information, contact the Boards and Commissions Coordinator at Vancouver City Hall, P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, WA 98668-1995, or (360) 487-8600. 

Information provided by the city of Vancouver.

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