City of Vancouver shares results of PFAS water sampling

Vancouver has conducted its first round of testing for PFAS in water supplies, with three wellfields showing results above the State Action Levels, and the city has taken several actions, including evaluating treatment options and informing the public.
Photo courtesy city of Vancouver

PFAS are a group of human-made chemicals found worldwide that have the potential to affect human health and the environment

VANCOUVER – Following the state of Washington’s mandatory testing requirement for the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances also known as PFAS in water supplies, the city of Vancouver recently conducted its first round of testing for PFAS.

PFAS is an emerging national water quality issue. PFAS are a group of human-made chemicals found worldwide that have the potential to affect human health and the environment and have been used in consumer products since the 1940s.

PFAs Detection  

Water samples collected from Vancouver Water System (ID#91200) sources included detections of certain PFAS that were above the State Action Levels (SAL) developed to protect the health of water users from contaminants that are not yet regulated federally. Using water that tests above the SAL doesn’t mean consumers will get sick or have health problems from the exposure. Sensitive populations, including pregnant and nursing people or infants who consume formula mixed with tap water, can find guidance on reducing PFAS exposure in water on the Clark County Public Health website.

The city of Vancouver’s extensive water system has 40 wells located at nine wellfields across its community. Recent testing for PFAS showed that three separate sample results exceed the SAL for PFAS contaminants. Those results occurred at three of the city’s nine wellfields, including Water Station 4, 14 and 15.  

Water Station   PFOA result PFOA SAL 10 ppt* PFOS result PFOS SAL 15 ppt* 
Water Station 4 8.5 ppt Below 21 ppt Above 
Water Station 14 15 ppt Above 22 ppt Above 
Water Station 15 7 ppt Below 20 ppt Above 
*ppt=parts per trillion (1 ppt is equivalent to a single drop of water in 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools)  

Vancouver has an open system in which water can be transferred from almost any water station to different areas of the city. It is not possible to determine that any one specific area is consistently fed from a particular water station. 

Informing and preparing the public 

To help educate water users, the city sent a mailing to its 78,000 water customers in February informing them that the city would be starting a new testing regimen mandated by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) for PFAS substances in the water supply. The DOH created SAL for PFAS that outline testing and notification requirements for some water providers, including Vancouver, starting in 2023. The first round of those tests took place in March, and the city sent a second mailing to water customers this week to inform them of the results. 

City actions, then and now

In 2020, the city completed proactive testing finding PFAS at very low levels in some of the city’s groundwater wells. Since that time the city has been taking several actions surrounding PFAS, including:  

  • Evaluating treatment options: Water quality engineers are evaluating cost-effective treatment options to remove PFAS from the water.  
  • Finding long-term solutions: Expert scientists are investigating potential sources of PFAS and the extent of PFAS in the local groundwater.  
  • Planning for the future: Future costs for PFAS treatment are included in the city’s long-range capital plan.  
  • Reducing costs: The city is pursuing federal and state grants and loans to reduce the impact to ratepayers.  
  • Adjusting operations: The city has prioritized sources of water supply with lower levels of PFAS to operate before sources with higher levels to reduce concentrations within the distribution system. Given the widespread prevalence of PFAS in local groundwater, water rights limitations and operational restrictions, the city cannot turn off all PFAS sources that exceed the State Action Level without impacting supply.  
  • Sharing information: Information regarding PFAS has been available since early 2021 and test results are posted on the city’s website and will be reported in the Annual Water Quality Report.

Learn more about PFAS:

Information provided by city of Vancouver.

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