City of Vancouver officials issue statements following release of Tyre Nichols arrest video

Vancouver Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle and Police Chief Jeff Mori offer reactions to death in Memphis, Tennessee.

Vancouver Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle and Police Chief Jeff Mori offer reactions to death in Memphis, Tennessee

VANCOUVER – City of Vancouver Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle and Police Chief Jeff Mori have issued statements following the release of the Tyre Nichols arrest video:

Statement from Mayor McEnerny-Ogle

“Like many in our community, I am angry and outraged by the death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Tennessee. On behalf of the City Council, I want to extend our condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Nichols and the communities affected by the repeated trauma of brutal and inhumane actions such as this. 

The disregard for Mr. Nichols’ life is unacceptable and horrendous. The criminal behavior exhibited by the five Memphis police officers would not be tolerated in Vancouver. 

We know statements cannot heal the pain and unspeakable grief that is being felt at the utter criminal disregard for the life of Tyre Nichols. But we do want to share our outrage at the act and our commitment to this not happening in Vancouver.” 

Statement from Police Chief Jeff Mori 

“As the video of the beating death of Tyre Nichols, at the hands of five Memphis Police Officers circulates, I want to express the profound sadness that I feel for Mr. Nichols’ family and friends and for all those impacted by this tragedy. 

Understandably, this incident has once again brought to the surface the pain, anger, and frustration that many historically marginalized communities across the country are experiencing due to historical inequity and its consequences. 

As the Chief of Police for the Vancouver Police Department, I want to clearly say to the residents we serve the behavior demonstrated by the five Memphis police officers was criminal and completely unacceptable for anyone at the Vancouver Police Department. Our use of force policy speaks clearly to the behavior and compassion we expect from our officers when interacting with the public. 

The degree of force was against the law, egregious and inhumane. The disregard for Mr. Nichols’ life in no way reflects the level of conduct and professionalism that is demanded by those who wear the badge and swear to protect and serve in Vancouver.”

Information provided by city of Vancouver.

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