City of Vancouver continues to respond to winter weather

City officials encourage residents to stay off the roads for their safety and to keep them clear for emergency response and snowplows.
Photo courtesy Vancouver Public Works

City officials encourage residents to stay off the roads for their safety and to keep them clear for emergency response and snowplows

The city of Vancouver continues to respond to the ongoing snowstorm and encourages residents to stay off the roads for their safety and to keep them clear for emergency response and snowplows. 

Plowing priorities

The city’s plowing priorities are the streets that enable police, fire and emergency medical service response. Due to these demands, limited resources, and difficulties posed by multiple driveways and parked cars, neighborhood residential streets are not plowed or deiced. A street prioritization map is available for viewing.

Reporting outages, downed trees, and other Public Works issues

For weather-related issues that need an urgent response, such as traffic signal outages, downed trees, or broken water mains, call the Public Works Operations Center at (360) 487-8177. Winter weather response information can be found at Severe Weather – Public Works Response. For downed power lines, call Clark Public Utilities at (360) 992-8000. 

Community centers

On Thursday, Feb. 23 there will be a delayed opening with limited programming at the city’s Firstenburg and Marshall community centers. The two centers will open at 8 a.m. and use will be limited to the fitness centers and pool for individual exercise until noon. However, road conditions will be reviewed by 6:30 a.m. tomorrow to determine if further delays or closures are needed. Please check the Community Center Hours Updates and Closures to confirm the latest information before traveling to the community centers or check the inclement weather lines for Firstenburg Community Center (360) 487-704, Marshall Community Center (360) 487-7065, and Sports Leagues (360) 693-4263.

City Hall and other city facilities

At this time the city will determine the status of City Hall and other non-recreation facilities tomorrow morning, Feb 23. 

Trash and recycling 

Vancouver customers with Thursday garbage, recycling and organics collection should set carts out on Friday for pick up. Visit Waste Connections for more information.

Information provided by city of Vancouver.

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