Support comes in the form of allocation of CARES funding
The city of Battle Ground allocated $86,000 of CARES funding to support two local community organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The city reached out to the North County Community Food Bank and Battle Ground HealthCare to ask how funding could support their COVID-19 related needs. The two organizations serve the community’s most vulnerable populations.
The North County Community Food Bank said their greatest need was Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for use by their volunteers and to distribute in food bags to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The food bank provides food and assistance to residents of Amboy, Battle Ground, Brush Prairie, Heisson and Yacolt zip codes. The city allocated just under $5,000 of CARES funding to purchase the requested PPE. 72,000 disposable masks and 4,000 pair of disposable gloves were ordered and delivered to the food bank.
Executive Director Liz Cerveny expressed how the donation supports food bank efforts.
“The donation of PPE through the CARES funding received by the City of Battle Ground is a tremendous cost savings for the North County Community Food Bank and those who are most in need and highly susceptible to COVID-19 and other viruses due to their own health issues and immunity disorders. In receiving a donation such as this, the Food Bank can remain focused on sourcing the growing level of food supplies necessary to address the growing need in North Clark County.”
Battle Ground HealthCare provides no cost medical, dental and physical rehabilitation services to those who are uninsured or under-insured and unable to access care. Their request included PPE, vinyl chairs and clinic equipment including no-touch thermometers, a spirometer, and an RD II UVC sterilizer – a high tech unit that that disinfects surface areas using ultra-violet light. The city allocated just over $81,000 of CARES funding for the purchase of the requested items, supporting Battle Ground HealthCare’s efforts in responding to the COVID-19 virus.
“Battle Ground HealthCare is so very grateful to the City of Battle Ground for the generous grant,” said Executive Director Sue Neal, “this amazing grant has enabled us to improve and provide a safer environment of care for our patients, volunteers, and staff as we journey through the pandemic and the future. The new chairs, spirometer, thermometers, and RD II UVC sterilizer are all pieces of equipment that we could not afford without this generous support. The additional funding for PPE has also provided us with the ability to serve the community in a safe and caring environment. Our deepest gratitude for your support of not just BGHC but for all of those seeking access to health care in the community who cannot afford it.”
Information provided by city of Battle Ground.