City of Battle Ground announces Michael McCabe as interim chief of police

Battle Ground City Manager Erin Erdman has appointed Michael McCabe to serve in the role of interim police chief following the retirement of former Chief Mike Fort earlier this month.
Battle Ground Police Department Interim Chief Michael McCabe. Photo courtesy of the Clark County Sheriff’s Office

Interim Chief McCabe currently serves as the chief administrative deputy with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office

Battle Ground City Manager Erin Erdman has appointed Michael McCabe to serve in the role of interim police chief following the retirement of former Chief Mike Fort earlier this month.

Interim Chief McCabe currently serves as the chief administrative deputy with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.  His temporary appointment with the Battle Ground Police Department was approved through an interlocal agreement between the Sheriff’s Office and the city of Battle Ground on January 2.  He will serve the department in a part-time capacity with the Battle Ground Police Department until a permanent replacement is selected.   

Interim Chief McCabe has 34 years of law enforcement experience, 30 years of which have been with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.  He has served in a variety of administrative and management roles including police frontline operations, corrections, training, communications management, and specialty assignments such as the School Resource Officer Program, SWAT, and Crisis Negotiations Team. 

“I am thankful to Clark County and to Sheriff Horch for the assistance during this time of transition for the city of Battle Ground,” City Manager Erdman said.  “We welcome Interim Chief McCabe.  With his extensive knowledge, skills, and familiarity with our community, I am confident he will help make this transition as smooth as possible for the Department and the city.”

“The Clark County Sheriff’s Office and city of Battle Ground have always had a strong relationship and we understand that we are all part of one community, regardless of jurisdictional boundaries,” said Sheriff John Horch. “We are always willing to help our partnering police agencies when asked. We know that Chief Michael McCabe will do an excellent job as interim chief while the city finalizes its official selection.”

The City is currently in the process of selecting the permanent police chief.  A nationwide search was conducted by GMP Consultants and interviews with five top candidates took place on December 8.  One candidate is currently in the background phase of the hiring process.

Information provided by the city of Battle Ground.

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  1. Jennifer Futyma

    I am personally looking for a Mike McCabe, was a Lakewood P.O., many years ago, I am just trying to find out what happened to my friend Mike, we used to live up the street from his house in brick NJ in Laurel Brook on Laurel Brook Drive, he also policed my work place, in Lakewood…but now I have lost track of him… n I just wanted to know what came of my friend!
    I am 57 yrs.old, n he was within 5 years younger than me….if there is anyone that can tell what happened to a Mike McCabethat was a Lakewood P.O. In his early career…now I really don’t know what happened to him 😕, does anyone know, I think he got jammed up in the dept.30 years ago PLEASE HELP ME FIND MY FRIEND MIKE, EVEN IF HE IS DECEASED…THANK YOU
    Jennifer Futyma
    732 688 9735


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