CCSO equips patrol vehicles with innovative Grappler Police Bumper to enhance public safety

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office has equipped 25 patrol vehicles with the innovative Grappler Police Bumper, enhancing public safety by safely stopping high-speed pursuits.
The Clark County Sheriff’s Office has equipped 25 patrol vehicles with the innovative Grappler Police Bumper, enhancing public safety by safely stopping high-speed pursuits.

This innovative vehicle immobilization device will significantly enhance the department’s ability to safely and effectively bring high-speed pursuits to a swift and controlled stop

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) announced the addition of the Grappler Police Bumper to 25 of our patrol vehicles, making us the only law enforcement agency in Southwest Washington and the third agency in Washington to deploy this cutting-edge tool. This innovative vehicle immobilization device will significantly enhance the department’s ability to safely and effectively bring high-speed pursuits to a swift and controlled stop. 

The Grappler Police Bumper, a device constructed of durable yellow nylon webbing, is designed to quickly and safely disable fleeing vehicles. By deploying a spring-loaded net from the patrol car’s front bumper, the device ensnares the rear wheel of a suspect vehicle, wrapping around the axle, allowing law enforcement officers to bring the pursuit to a halt within seconds.  

This advanced technology provides a safer alternative to traditional high-speed pursuit methods, reducing the risks associated with vehicle chases for law enforcement officers and the public.  

To ensure proper deployment and effectiveness, several deputies traveled to Arizona in January for specialized training on the Grappler Police Bumper. CCSO is currently installing the Grappler on its fleet of patrol vehicles. Additionally, comprehensive training for the rest of the patrol staff is scheduled to take place in March, ensuring that all deputies are well-prepared to use this new tool in the field.  


On Thursday (Feb. 13) at about 1 am, Vancouver Police officers investigated a suspicious vehicle at the 7/11 on 8214 NE Vancouver Mall Loop. The occupants were passed out with drug paraphernalia on their laps. Officers deployed spike strips to prevent the vehicle from fleeing. The occupants woke up and drove away at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was traveling towards NE Fourth Plain Blvd near NE Andresen Rd., a highly populated area with pedestrian traffic. 

Photo courtesy Clark County Sheriff’s Office
Photo courtesy Clark County Sheriff’s Office
Photo courtesy Clark County Sheriff’s Office
Photo courtesy Clark County Sheriff’s Office

A CCSO sergeant, nearby after a traffic stop, heard the radio call and saw the vehicle drive recklessly, jumping a curb. Despite multiple deflated tires, the car continued toward NE Fourth Plain Blvd. The sergeant., who had recently completed training on the Grappler, deployed the Grappler and safely stopped the vehicle. The driver took off running but was quickly apprehended by VPD officers.

Information provided by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. 

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