Camas Mayor Barry McDonnell has halted construction projects across city

Construction of Lake-Everett Roundabout on hold; decision will be revisited in two weeks

CAMAS – In order to focus all efforts on fighting COVID-19, the city of Camas has put construction of the Lake-Everett Roundabout and three other projects on hold. In two weeks, on April 15, the city will revisit the construction stoppage and decide how to proceed.

Video courtesy City of Camas TV (Official City YouTube)

Four additional public construction projects currently underway are also being halted:

• Improvements to Brady Road

• Construction of the 18th Avenue Reservoir

• Construction of the Lacamas Creek Pump Station

• Improvements at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The city will immediately begin working with contractors to ensure the construction sites are safe and secure during the stoppage.

“As you know, we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation frequently. Things change very quickly,” said Mayor Barry McDonnell. “Governor Inslee is continuing to call for additional protective measures across the state. These important projects will ultimately move forward, but I believe that stopping all construction in Camas at this time is the right decision for everyone’s health and safety.”

For full project details and ongoing construction updates, the public is invited to visit

Information provided by the city of Camas.