Biden fears ‘brutal’ year if Republicans complete House takeover

President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden

Claims investigators would go after his ‘family’

Bob Unruh
WND News Center

While networks were reporting early Wednesday that uncalled races for Congress left the Senate 48-48 between the parties and the Republicans apparently heading for a House majority with 199 seats to the Democrats’ 172, where 218 is needed for a majority, Rep. Kevin McCarthy already was proclaiming victory there.

“We are expanding this party,” he told supporters last Tuesday.

But that prospect, according to one report, has Joe Biden fretting over a “brutal” coming year where congressional investigators would be going after his “family.”

Fox News explained the reports come from “insiders,” who relayed that Biden expects a Republican House to investigate much.

It was CBS News’ Robert Costa who also reported the if Republicans are the majority in either the House or Senate, Biden admitted he would work with Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who would be the party’s leader there, but would refuse to work with Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who could end up being House speaker.

Costa reported, “Just been speaking to some people inside President Biden’s circle, some longtime confidants about how he’s seeing this moment tonight – potentially the Republicans taking the House.”

He went on,” They say that he believes that next year could be ‘brutal.’ He has no illusions about the House Republicans should they have the majority. They will come after his family, including probing his son, Hunter Biden.”

The report said Biden also was concerned about being impeached.

In fact, there’s been much evidence revealed that Hunter Biden has made an industry of selling access to his father, first when he was vice president and later as president.

Also, details revealed from a laptop computer Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop reveal that the family has profited – to the tune of millions of dollars – from those arrangements with even Chinese and Russian contacts.

Joe Biden even admitted interfering in Ukrainian actions when Hunter was being paid millions of dollars by a Ukrainian gas company that was under investigation for corruption. Joe Biden threatened to withhold American aid if they didn’t fire the prosecutor, and they did.

And WND has reported that was just one of the scenarios involving the Biden family.

One was that the FBI has evidence a former secretary for Hunter Biden was employed by the Chinese Communist Party before working for the Biden family business during the time it struck a lucrative deal with an energy firm at the heart of President Xi Jinping’s quest for global economic and political domination.

“There is no doubt that Hunter Biden was part of a Chinese intelligence mission that was trying to gather as much information as possible about Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the entire Biden family,” said former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker in an interview with “Fox & Friends.”

The evidence concerning Hunter Biden’s former secretary JiaQi “Jackie” Bao was at the center of a letter from Rep. James Comer R-Ky., the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, to FBI Director Christopher Wray. The committee Republicans want more information from Wray concerning the Bidens’ deal with Chinese government-linked CEFC China Energy in 2017 and 2018, the New York Post reported.

“After infiltrating the Biden family, Bao urged Hunter to encourage Joe Biden to run for president months before he announced and then supplied the Biden family campaign advice related to China,” the letter states.

In 2013, Hunter Biden flew on Air Force Two with his then-vice president father to Beijing. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden secured a deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, creating an investment fund called BHR that aimed to raise $1.5 billion. Joe Biden continues to deny he has ever discussed his family’s business dealings. But, among more than a dozen documented instances that counter his claim, the vice-president’s son introduced his father to BHR CEO Jonathan Li in a hotel lobby during the 2013 trip. And Joe Biden later wrote college recommendation letters for Li’s children. BHR Partners facilitated a 2016 deal in which a Chinese company bought a Congolese cobalt mine from American and Canadian companies. Cobalt is key material in electric vehicle batteries.

George Washington University law professor and constitutional expert Jonathan Turley wrote, as the last races of the election still were being called, “Last Thursday, Biden warned supporters that the Republicans have made clear ‘they’re gonna impeach me.’ When Biden warned that he might be impeached if voters do not stop a Republican wave, there was an audible laugh which prompted the President to added ‘No, I’m not joking.'”

But, Turley wrote, “Impeachment is unlikely his greatest fear.”

Among three top concerns, he said, is Hunter Biden and “influence peddling.”

“House Democrats repeatedly moved to block investigations into the alleged multimillion-dollar influence-peddling operations by the Biden family. For his part, Attorney General Merrick Garland steadfastly refused to appoint a special counsel despite an overwhelming basis for such an appointment,” he explained. “Biden has repeatedly denied knowledge of Hunter Biden’s business entanglements despite numerous emails and pictures showing him meeting with Hunter associates. Hunter’s partner, Eric Schwerin, alone made at least 19 visits to the White House and other official locations between 2009 and 2015.”

And, he said, “There are emails of Chinese, Ukrainian and other foreign clients including some thanking Hunter Biden for arranging meetings with his father. People apparently were told to avoid directly referring to Joe Biden. In one email, Tony Bobulinski, then a business partner of Hunter, was instructed by Biden associate James Gilliar that the Bidens wanted to avoid such references: ‘Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u [sic] are face to face, I know u [sic] know that but they are paranoid.'”

Instead, Joe Biden is referred as “Celtic” or “the big guy,” and one message includes a reference to a 10% cut for him.

“An investigation into the alleged influence peddling by Hunter, his uncle James and his father could reveal additional information of how foreign interests pumped millions into the Biden family. As we learn more of this influence-peddling operation, the FBI may face increased questions over its response to the allegations as well as many in the media, who were actively involved in burying the story before and after the election,” Turley said.

Then there’s also Biden’s “censorship” of Americans, through back channels with Big Tech.

“There is growing evidence of long-suspected back channels between government and Democratic political figures and Big Tech. Some of those contacts were recently confirmed but Congress again refused to investigate,” he said. “If officials coordinated the censorship of citizens, it could lead to lawsuits (in addition to already pending actions) and embarrassing disclosures. The government cannot do indirectly what it is barred from doing directly.”

Then, too, there’s the possibility of pandemic investigations.

“Republicans have pledged to open a full investigation into what officials knew about the origins and risks of COVID-19. Specifically, members like Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) have pledged to uncover material showing what officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci knew about the lack of efficacy of masks as well as guidelines on limiting groups or the closure of businesses and schools. These investigations might also reveal the coordination of health-care guidelines with teacher unions and political allies.”

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