Biden defends disastrous debate performance as Democrats panic

President Joe Biden speaks to reporters during a Feb. 8, 2024 press conference. Photo courtesy The White House
President Joe Biden speaks to reporters during a Feb. 8, 2024 press conference. Photo courtesy The White House

Biden responded to reporters’ questions about Democrats’ concerns over his performance by saying he was not concerned

Casey Harper
The Center Square

President Joe Biden and his campaign are facing the fallout of a disastrous debate performance Thursday night.

Biden responded to reporters’ questions about Democrats’ concerns over his performance by saying he was not concerned.

“It’s hard to… hard to debate a liar,” Biden told reporters at a Waffle House in Atlanta after the debate. “The New York Times pointed out he made – lied 26 times.”

When asked if he was sick, as his campaign had said, Biden said he had a sore throat.

“I think we did well,” Biden told reporters.

The question came because during the debate, Biden faltered, fumbled, stumbled and at times became incoherent and trailed off. The issue was particularly obvious the first few minutes of the debate.

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence,” Trump said early in the debate after one of those moments. “I really don’t think he knows what he said either.”

In another instance, Biden ended a trailing response with “We finally beat Medicare” before trailing off.

“He beat it to death!” Trump shot back.

Biden has faced questions about his mental fitness for years but largely fended them off enough to satisfy his base.

“Nothing that any Republican or conservative says today can darken the night President Biden had,” Colin Reed, a Republican strategist, former campaign manager for U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., and co-founder of South and Hill Strategies, told The Center Square. “He had a low bar to clear, and he came nowhere close to doing it. Never before in American presidential history has one event had the potential to upend the dynamics of the race so quickly and so completely.”

After this debate, CNN analysts, Democratic strategists, and liberal media outlets all reported panic within the party about Biden’s poor performance.

First among those Democrats are those in tight races and purple states where a poorly performing Democratic president could cost them their own election.

“Keep an eye on those Democrats in red states running for re-election,” Reed told The Center Square. “Other than the Biden family, they are the ones who are most endangered and jeopardized by the long-term political fallout if the bottom starts falling out.”

Politico immediately reported Biden was “toast” Thursday night.

The New York Times questioned Biden’s “halting” performance.

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman published an article with a blistering headline: “President Biden is my friend. He must bow out of the race.”

During the post-debate CNN analysis, Democratic pundit Van Jones said Biden’s performance was painful as others asked whether Biden should drop out to make way for another candidate.

A Quinnipiac poll released the day before the debate showed Trump leading Biden by four points. 

This report was first published by The Center Square.

POLL: Should Joe Biden remove himself from the presidential election?*
194 votes

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  1. sa

    What? Two days in on this article and not one comment?
    Time for the rose colored glasses to come off folks. That was not a “deep fake” video.
    Hard to watch as well as listen to… this is where we are America… stumbling and bumbling for all the world to see.
    A recent poll told of less than 20% of Americans are proud of this country. SMH over and over.

  2. Mike Hamilton

    Yes, Joe Biden’s presentation was halting and ended in confusion several times. But the real reason he lost the debate is because of high inflation, unemployment, fuel prices, an out of control bureaucracy, out of control permit processes, failing businesses, failing banks, a monetary system perched on the edge of catastrophe, an (almost) world war in three or more places, and the list continues. What has he done right?
    No wonder he lost the debate, our country has lost on a multitude of fronts just because of his insipid and uninspiring presidency.


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