Bethel Community Church invites public to hear speaker Bill Federer on Sunday, Nov. 3

Bethel Community Church in Washougal hosts speaker Bill Federer on Nov. 3.
Bethel Community Church in Washougal is hosting a speaking event on Sunday, Nov. 3 featuring Bill Federer, known for his American Minute national radio feature as well as his free speech advocacy and historical books. Photo courtesy

Washougal church is known for hosting conservative speakers on a variety of subjects for evening gatherings, and all are welcome to the free event

Bethel Community Church in Washougal, which is becoming known for having real-life discussions featuring guest speakers known throughout the country, is inviting the public for another such event on Sunday evening.

Best-selling author, speaker, and historian Bill Federer will be speaking from 6 to 8 p.m. at Bethel Community Church, 1438 B Street in Washougal. 

Federer’s American Minute radio feature is broadcast across America every day. His Faith in History television program is on the TCT Network.

His first book “America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations” has sold more than 500,000 copies and has been referenced by politicians, journalists, teachers, and even in court cases.

He has authored more than a dozen other books, many touching on American history.

His presentations often include subjects such as authors, faith and religion, history, news, and media, according to

While this speaking engagement is being hosted at Bethel Community Church, the event is not just for church members. The event is free and all are welcome.

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