Battle Ground to host annual Memorial Day Ceremony, May 29

A Memorial Day ceremony will be held at the Battle Ground Veterans Memorial to honor fallen U.S. Armed Forces personnel, with the reading of poems and the names of 31 local heroes engraved on the memorial.

Thirty-one local Battle Ground-area men who died in service will be remembered and honored by a reading of their names

A Memorial Day ceremony to honor the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who lost their lives in service to our country will be held Mon., May 29, at 11 a.m. at the Battle Ground Veterans Memorial located in Kiwanis Park at 422 SW 2nd Avenue in Battle Ground.

The ceremony will include the reading of two poems, The Mother of a Soldier, by Folger McKinsey and Heroes Unaware, by Mark A. Wright.

Thirty-one local Battle Ground-area men who died in service will be remembered and honored by a reading of their names. These men, whose names are engraved on the wall of the Battle Ground Veterans Memorial, are sons, brothers, fathers, and once our neighbors. 
They are:

World War II
Julius J. Bergman
Otto O. Burgstahler
Edmond H. Condon
Jack O. Freel
Bruce C. Green
Joe J. Pancoska
Elmer E. Pellett
William A. Pelto
Archie C. Peru
Abert E. Sakrison
Paul H. Snider
Sheldon E. Tessendorf
William A. Uskoski
Leonard A. Wallace
Milton E. Winston
Walter G. Wright

Korean War
Jack Hanley

Vietnam War
Raymond E. Carpenter
Daniel B. Cheney
Richard A. Hostikka
Dale R. Lindberg
Alvin L. Lowery
Timothy G. Mattson
Monte V. Thomas
Donald F. Thulin

Global War on Terror – Afghanistan
Bryce D. Howard
Jonah D. McClellan
Andrew J. Shields

Global War on Terror – Iraq
Cedric E. Bruns
Kane M. Funke
Jeremiah J. Johnson

City officials invite the community to join in remembering and honoring them and all members of the U.S. Armed Forces who died in service.

Read about the Battle Ground Veterans Memorial, at  

Information provided by city of Battle Ground.

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