The Board meeting will start at 6 p.m. at the Lewisville Intermediate campus, 406 NW Fifth Ave., Battle Ground, as well as streaming remotely via video conferencing
On Monday (June 28), the Battle Ground Public Schools Board of Directors will hear the first public reading of a recommendation made by the Middle School Sexual Health Advisory Committee to adopt the HealthSmart curriculum for use in teaching middle school sexual health, in accordance with state law (parents can opt out their child from all lessons, or by unit).

Battle Ground Public Schools values community input and understands that this topic may generate a high level of public interest. To facilitate that feedback in an orderly fashion, the district is providing information on current board meeting regulations and limitations on in-person attendance.
The Board meeting will start at 6 p.m. at the Lewisville Intermediate campus, 406 NW Fifth Ave., Battle Ground, as well as streaming remotely via video conferencing.
Members of the public are welcome to attend, but should be aware that current health and safety requirements around physical distancing and the size of the meeting space limit the seating area capacity to no more than 25 people. Anyone attending in-person will be required to sign in, attest, and maintain six feet of physical distance. Attendees must wear masks, unless they attest that they are fully vaccinated, per state requirements.
Anyone wishing to comment publicly is asked to email their first and last name, contact phone number, home address, email address, and the topic you will be addressing to no later than 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting. In addition, please note if you will be addressing the board remotely via Zoom or in-person.
Citizen comments are limited to no more than three minutes each, with a maximum time of 30 minutes unless the Board elects to extend the time limit. If there are more than 10 patrons signed up to testify, individual time limits will decrease accordingly.
If you are unable to speak within that time limit, a copy of your remarks may be sent to, and they will be shared with the board members.
Board members do not normally respond to questions or petitions during Citizens’ Comments. They will listen and give direction to the Administrative Team if action is deemed necessary.
On June 16, a Zoom webinar was held to provide more details on the curriculum, including the 10-week selection process by the committee, as well as responding to a number of questions from community members. That video is now available to view online.
More details about the curriculum selection process, and information on how to view the proposed learning materials, are available on the district’s curriculum adoption page online.
Information provided by Battle Ground School District.