Battle Ground city manager announces hiring of Dennis Flynn, new chief of police

City Manager Erin Erdman is pleased to announce the hiring of Dennis Flynn as the city of Battle Ground’s next chief of police, effective March 18.
Dennis Flynn

The city began recruitment efforts in August 2023 and received a total of 16 applications for the position

City Manager Erin Erdman is pleased to announce the hiring of Dennis Flynn as the city of Battle Ground’s next chief of police, effective March 18. 

Chief Flynn accepted the position following his successful completion of a multi-phased pre-employment screening process.  The employment offer is also contingent upon Chief Flynn securing an active commission in the state of Washington within nine months of his effective date of employment. 

The city began recruitment efforts in August 2023 and received a total of 16 applications for the position.

Chief Flynn comes to Battle Ground with 36 years of law enforcement experience, with more than 22 of those years in police leadership.  He served the first 30 years of his career with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department working his way up through the ranks before his retirement in 2015 as lieutenant of the Robbery Division.   

Most recently, Chief Flynn served the last six years with the Commerce City Police Department in Colorado.  In his role as the deputy chief, he was responsible for the department’s patrol, traffic, school resources officer, and community services programs.  He has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Oklahoma and a master’s degree in police leadership from San Diego University.  He is also a graduate of the Northwestern University’s Police School of Staff and Command. 

Chief Flynn is married to his wife of 22 years, Shalene, and is in the process of relocating to the area.  The couple has three children and two grandchildren.

“I am honored for the opportunity to lead the men and women of the Battle Ground Police Department,” said Chief Flynn.  “Over the past few months, I have had the chance to interact with officers and professional staff of the department.  Their knowledge and dedication are impressive.  I’m confident that with the talented staff we have, we will continue to make Battle Ground a safe and wonderful place to work, live and play.” 

Chief Flynn will take his ceremonial oath of office during the March 18 Battle Ground City Council meeting.  The meeting will take place at City Hall, 109 SW 1st Street, 2nd Floor Council Chambers, beginning at 7 p.m.  The public is invited to attend.   

Information provided by the city of Battle Ground.

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