Area church performs living nativity

Weekend before Christmas Eve Vancouver will have a full-size nativity with real animals

VANCOUVER — Living Hope Church will debut its annual performance of the living nativity this Friday, with more performances on Saturday and Sunday.

Actors portray the the shepherds arriving at the nativity to welcome baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Photo courtesy of Living Hope Church
Actors portray the the shepherds arriving at the nativity to welcome baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Photo courtesy of Living Hope Church

Living Hope Church in Vancouver, will debut this year’s living nativity this weekend before Christmas Eve.The display features actors dressed in time appropriate costumes, live sheep, a donkey and camel, as well as a angel choir singing classic Christmas carols.

Performances will be at 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, with a 10 a.m. show on Sunday.

Admission is free and families are welcome. The Sunday performance will be a part of the usual Sunday service, while the others are stand alone shows.

The nativity will be held inside the church lobby, located off of Andresen, just below SR-500.

Actors will recite lines adapted from the Christmas story. Leads include Mary and Joseph, the three wise men and the shepherds.

For more information visit the Living Hope’s website or Facebook page.       

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