After a weekend of 92 new cases, Monday’s COVID-19 count drops to 11 in Clark County

County now has 2,121 total cases; death toll remains unchanged at 42 

After rising by 92 over the weekend, the number of new COVID-19 cases in Clark County increased by just 11 on Monday according to updated numbers provided by Clark County Public Health. There have been no new deaths from the virus since last week.

Already having topped the 2,000-mark prior to the weekend, the 92 new COVID-19 cases pushed the county’s total to 2,110 on Monday. The 11 new cases reported Tuesday now have Clark County’s total resting at 2,121.

Hospitalization rates took a tick up over the weekend from 12 to 14, but are back down to 12 Tuesday with 4 percent of Clark County hospital beds occupied by someone with either a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19. 

After rising by 92 over the weekend, the number of new COVID-19 cases in Clark County increased by just 11 on Monday. There have been no new deaths from the virus since last week.

The rate of new cases per 100,000 population continues to rise. The rate, which is updated once a week, now reveals Clark County with 88.0 new cases per 100,000 population. When Clark County submitted its application to move into Phase 3 of the state’s reopening plan on June 26, the county’s application showed 19.45 cases for 100,000 population, below the target metric of no more than 25 cases per 100,000 population.

State officials have recommended that schools be closed to in-person instruction in “high risk” areas with infection rates higher than 75. All of Clark County’s eight school districts have indicated they plan to begin the 2020-21 school year with remote learning. The Battle Ground School District formalized that plan Monday night and Vancouver and Evergreen school districts are expected to at Tuesday night meetings.

A pause on all applications by all counties to move forward with reopening remains in place throughout the state.

Gov. Inslee also issued an order, effective July 7 and still in effect, that requires all businesses to enforce the use of face coverings by all customers and visitors. Under the order, businesses cannot provide goods or services to those who are not following the face covering mandate.