2017 Solar Eclipse lives up to the hype

SALEM — ClarkCountyToday.com photographer Mike Schultz braved the traffic to venture into the path of totality for Monday’s Solar Eclipse.

Mike Schultz

And, he’s very glad he did.

Schultz said the crowd that had gathered at his location cheered, oohed and aahed, and even shed tears as they witnessed the historic event.

“I’m really glad I made the decision to come down here,’’ Schultz said. “The photos don’t do it any justice. Seeing it in person … when you look up at it, I can’t even explain it. It’s something that is completely hard to imagine when you’re looking at it. I don’t know how to explain it other than to say it was just amazing.’’

Schultz was so amazed, he said he has promised himself he will travel to the East Coast for the next National Eclipse, anticipated in the year 2024. The path of totality for that eclipse is said to be from Texas to New England, according to Schultz.

“I got a little emotional watching  it,’’ Schultz said. “It was so incredible and it impacted me so much, I’m going to try to go to the East Coast in 2024 because it was so incredible and amazing.’’

Schultz left his home in Woodland at 3:30 a.m. Monday and arrived in Salem at about 5:30 a.m. Unfortunately, his trip home was much slower due to traffic conditions.

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Solar Eclipse 2017 © Mike Schultz

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