Telecommunications Commission to conduct review of Comcast Performance

City/County Commission will conduct its biennial public review on Wed., March 6

VANCOUVER — The City/County Telecommunications Commission will conduct its biennial public review of Comcast Cable’s performance at 3:30 p.m. Wed., March 6 in Vancouver City Council Chambers, 415 W. 6th St. The session will also be televised live on Clark/Vancouver Television (CVTV) Cable Channel 23/323 HD and  

“Cable television subscribers are encouraged to give us their feedback about how they think Comcast is doing by either testifying during the hearing or by sending their comments to us in writing,” said City/County Telecommunications Commission Chair Paul Dicker.

Citizens interested in submitting written testimony about Comcast’s performance are asked to mail their comments to City/County Cable Television Office, P. O. Box 1995, Vancouver, Washington, 98668, or email them to Written comments will be accepted through May 10.

Comcast is operating under a 10-year franchise, granted in July 2013, to provide cable television services in Vancouver and Clark County, Washington. Under the terms of the franchise agreement, the Telecommunications Commission conducts regular reviews of the cable operator’s performance.

The eight-member Telecommunications Commission is a volunteer citizen board that advises the Vancouver City Council and the Clark County Council on all matters related to the cable television franchise agreement with Comcast.

For more information about the Commission, including meeting agendas and minutes, visit

Information provided by city of Vancouver.

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