PeaceHealth to offer Type-2 diabetes prevention class

PeaceHealth’s Prevent T2 Lifestyle Change Program is designed to help prediabetes patients make lasting changes

VANCOUVER — One out of three American adults has prediabetes, and most of them don’t know it. Without lifestyle changes, prediabetes can quickly advance to become Type-2 diabetes, a serious condition that can lead to health issues such as heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure or loss of toes, feet, or legs.

PeaceHealth’s Prevent T2 Lifestyle Change Program is designed to help prediabetes patients make lasting changes that can cut their risk of developing Type-2 diabetes in half. Research has shown that modest behavior changes helped participants lose an average of 5% of their body weight, helping greatly reduce their risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.

“This program is proven to work,” said Kate Hohenbrink, PeaceHealth Program Coordinator for Diabetes Education. “Class participants who follow the program should anticipate health improvements including improved blood sugar levels and reduced blood pressure and blood cholesterol measurements. People who have taken this course tell us it is a fun and engaging environment that gets everyone involved in a positive and healthy way.”

The Prevent T2 Lifestyle Change Program is a one-year program. For the first six months participants meet weekly for one hour to learn how to:

  • Make healthier food choices
  • Include physical activity into your routine
  • Face lifestyle challenges head on
  • Find ways to handle stress and staying motivated
  • Build relationships with other participants

During the second six months, meetings will occur every other week.

Class details

The Prevent T2 Lifestyle Change Program begins Nov. 13. Classes will meet on Tuesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 pm at 2312 NE 129th Street in Vancouver, WA. Pre-registration is required to determine program eligibility – must meet criteria for pre-diabetes and/or screen of pre-diabetes. Call Kate at (360) 514-3409 to register or to learn more about upcoming classes, cost, program eligibility and Medicare coverage.

Do I have prediabetes?

People who are unsure of their risk for developing Type-2 diabetes are encouraged to take this simple seven question CDC quiz:

For more information visit:—Details

About PeaceHealth Southwest

PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center is a community-owned, not-for-profit, 450-bed, medical institution located in Vancouver, Washington. Repeatedly recognized nationally as a 100 Top Hospital, PeaceHealth Southwest provides a full range of outpatient and inpatient diagnostic, medical, and surgical services to Clark County residents. PeaceHealth Southwest is also one of Clark County’s largest employers with 3,400 employees and 600 active medical staff members that help support dozens of medical specialty services and programs, including cancer, heart, emergency, trauma, neuro-musculoskeletal, family birth, and primary care. For more information visit

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