Mid-morning Interstate 5 Bridge lifts set for next two weeks

Crews will be carrying out maintenance projects

VANCOUVER Both spans of the Interstate 5 Bridge will see mid-morning lifts in the weeks ahead as Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) crews launch a series of maintenance projects in advance ahead of the two-week closure of the northbound bridge in 2020.

Both spans of the Interstate 5 Bridge will see mid-morning lifts in the weeks ahead as Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) crews launch a series of maintenance projects in advance ahead of the two-week closure of the northbound bridge in 2020.
Both spans of the Interstate 5 Bridge will see mid-morning lifts in the weeks ahead as Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) crews launch a series of maintenance projects in advance ahead of the two-week closure of the northbound bridge in 2020.

Each lift will take place around 10 a.m. and last about 15 minutes on the following days.

  • Tuesday through Thursday, Jan. 22-24.
  • Monday through Thursday, Jan. 28-31.

The work is part of a series of projects ODOT will undertake in the months ahead in advance of the September 2020 trunnion repair, which will require a two-week closure of the northbound span. The repairs this month and subsequent maintenance work will help ensure that the bridge is in good working order before the trunnion project.

The Interstate Bridge carries Interstate 5 over the Columbia River. Oregon and Washington jointly own the bridge which is operated and maintained by ODOT. The northbound span opened in 1917 and the southbound span in 1958.

Information courtesy of Washington Department of Transportation.

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