Evergreen Public Schools releases revised 2018-19 school calendar

The revised calendar has the 180 state mandated school days, and still ends the school year on June 13

VANCOUVER — The Evergreen Public Schools Board of Directors approved the revised 2018-19 school calendar to account for eight missed school days due to the recent work stoppage at last week’s Board meeting.

The new calendar can be found on the district web site: www.evergreenps.org. The Evergreen Education Association also adopted the calendar when it recently ratified its new two-year contract.

The revised calendar has the 180 state mandated school days, and still ends the school year on June 13. However, days around the Thanksgiving (November 19, 20 and 21) and New Year’s (January 2, 3, and 4) breaks have been adjusted; a semester break day (January 28) and snow make up day (March 18) were also converted to school days.

In adjusting the calendar, the decision was made to add days throughout the year to ensure semester/trimesters had an equal number of days, and to provide students sufficient instruction prior to state and nationally mandated test dates (such as the Washington state SBAC, and the College Board Advanced Placement tests).   

However, if there are snow/inclement weather days later in the school year, additional days may need to be added to the end of the school year.

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