ESD 112 board member steps down

Patricia Kellogg resigned her position after serving for nine years

VANCOUVER — Patricia C. “Trish” Kellogg, who was appointed to the ESD 112 Board of Directors in 2011, resigned her position this spring after serving the organization during a nine-year period of growth and change.

Patricia Kellogg
Patricia Kellogg

As the board’s president from 2015-2017, Kellogg oversaw dramatic growth of the agency, with the expansion of early learning services, the opening of the agency’s first behavioral day treatment center, key property purchases, and the retirement and replacement of a long-time leader.

Kellogg credits the hiring of current superintendent Tim Merlino among her most rewarding experiences. She was the incoming board president when longtime ESD 112 superintendent Dr. Twyla Barnes retired in 2014 after 20 years at the helm. Also during Kellogg’s tenure, she oversaw the purchase of the Ogden Business Park, home to ESD 112 and its 250-plus employees who work at the main campus.  She was proud to have been part of major Early Childhood Education and Assistance (ECEAP) and Early Head Start offerings to serve the region’s youngest learners and the development and grand opening of the Quest Academy, a behavioral day treatment center located in Cowlitz County.

“I loved serving on the board and had so many rewarding experiences,” she said.   “I know the ESD will continue to do great work in the future and I will always be proud to have been part of its journey.”

Kellogg currently serves as CEO and president of her businesses. Her experience in financial and administrative management brought a wealth of experience and knowledge to the board during a time of progress and change. She is a devoted advocate for education, with a particular interest in programs that serve underprivileged youth.

“Trish was an exceptional board member and will be greatly missed,” said Merlino. “I always appreciated her supportive approach, her knowledge and passion for our agency and the fact that she asked difficult questions – always driving us to do and be our very best,” he added.

Kellogg represented Region 4, which includes Ridgefield and northern Vancouver.  

Recruitment for a new board member to fill Kellogg’s position will begin immediately.

Information provided by Educational Service District 112.

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