Area lawmakers held a number of Legislative Town Hall meetings Saturday in Clark County. ...
Area legislators host town hall meetings
Area legislators host town hall meetings
Battle Ground children shop with a cop
Battle Ground children shop with a cop
New council members take seats in Yacolt
New council members take seats in Yacolt
Area legislators gather for 2018 outlook breakfast panel
Area legislators gather for 2018 outlook breakfast panel
Oregon continues down its path to place tolls on I-5 and I-205 corridors
Oregon continues down its path to place tolls on I-5 and I-205 corridors
Regional Transportation Council tables stance against tolling
Regional Transportation Council tables stance against tolling
Humane Society program offered free pet adoptions for veterans
Humane Society program offered free pet adoptions for veterans
Clark County councilors vote to raise property taxes with 4-1 vote
Clark County councilors vote to raise property taxes with 4-1 vote
Rep. Vicki Kraft announces her candidacy for re-election
Rep. Vicki Kraft announces her candidacy for re-election
Traffic revisions to take effect in Battle Ground
Traffic revisions to take effect in Battle Ground