A man with Celiac Disease who was held in the Clark County Jail earlier this year has filed a lawsuit in ...
Lawsuit alleges Clark County Jail failed to provide inmate gluten-free diet
Lawsuit alleges Clark County Jail failed to provide inmate gluten-free diet
VIDEOS: Local World War II veterans share their experiences
VIDEOS: Local World War II veterans share their experiences
Furloughed Vancouver Public Schools employees feeling the strain
Furloughed Vancouver Public Schools employees feeling the strain
Vancouver City Council steps closer to new two-year budget
Vancouver City Council steps closer to new two-year budget
WATCH: Clark County TODAY LIVE • Wednesday, November 11, 2020
WATCH: Clark County TODAY LIVE • Wednesday, November 11, 2020
COVID lockdown has significant challenges for students and teachers
COVID lockdown has significant challenges for students and teachers
Battle Ground kindergarten students return to classrooms
Battle Ground kindergarten students return to classrooms
Clark County sets single-day record for deaths due to COVID-19
Clark County sets single-day record for deaths due to COVID-19
Vancouver Police investigate bank robbery
Vancouver Police investigate bank robbery
Clark County Public Works continues hold on park and shelter reservations
Clark County Public Works continues hold on park and shelter reservations