Recent rainfall has led to several closure decisions by Clark County Public Works that will impact area r ...
Rainfall causing several closures around Clark County
Rainfall causing several closures around Clark County
Malicious Mischief incident at Starbucks location leads to felony arrest
Malicious Mischief incident at Starbucks location leads to felony arrest
SR 503 Spur approaching Cougar closed due to rain-triggered slide
SR 503 Spur approaching Cougar closed due to rain-triggered slide
Police Activities League of Southwest Washington hosts Southwest Regional Shop with a Cop event
Police Activities League of Southwest Washington hosts Southwest Regional Shop with a Cop event
Prestigious science journals provide kill shot to bogus COVID narrative
Prestigious science journals provide kill shot to bogus COVID narrative
Sheriff John Horch provides statement on murder-suicide
Sheriff John Horch provides statement on murder-suicide
Area children participate in annual Shop With A Cop event
Area children participate in annual Shop With A Cop event
Gov’s Office downplays former state economist’s claim of pressure to lie about gas prices
Gov’s Office downplays former state economist’s claim of pressure to lie about gas prices