Three bipartisan bills from Rep. Kevin Waters are one step closer to becoming law after receiving approva ...
Washington State Senate passes three bipartisan bills from Rep. Kevin Waters
Washington State Senate passes three bipartisan bills from Rep. Kevin Waters
CCRW announce their upcoming March 21 dinner meeting titled ‘Emergency Preparedness: Prepare and Provide’
CCRW announce their upcoming March 21 dinner meeting titled ‘Emergency Preparedness: Prepare and Provide’
Sen. Lynda Wilson votes to support income-tax ban, repeal of police-pursuit restrictions sought by voters
Sen. Lynda Wilson votes to support income-tax ban, repeal of police-pursuit restrictions sought by voters
Public hearings on initiatives reveal legislative Democrats’ disdain for voters
Public hearings on initiatives reveal legislative Democrats’ disdain for voters
Seattle area maximum toll rates to increase 50 percent – a cautionary tale for Portland-area tolling
Seattle area maximum toll rates to increase 50 percent – a cautionary tale for Portland-area tolling
Clark County Sheriff’s Office releases critical incident video of shooting
Clark County Sheriff’s Office releases critical incident video of shooting
SWIIRT team releases names of CCSO deputies involved in shooting
SWIIRT team releases names of CCSO deputies involved in shooting
Republicans, others lament ‘sham of a hearing’ on police pursuit initiative
Republicans, others lament ‘sham of a hearing’ on police pursuit initiative
WAGOP offers answers to questions about WA State Presidential Primary Election
WAGOP offers answers to questions about WA State Presidential Primary Election