Thanksgiving travel advisory: Plan ahead for winter weather and expect delays on major routes like I-90 a ...
Use WSDOT travel charts for a drama-free adventure this holiday season
Use WSDOT travel charts for a drama-free adventure this holiday season
City of Vancouver launches ninth annual Korey’s Joy Drive
City of Vancouver launches ninth annual Korey’s Joy Drive
Clark County Sheriff’s Office begins deployment of body worn cameras
Clark County Sheriff’s Office begins deployment of body worn cameras
Public Health lifts advisory at Lacamas Lake, concludes seasonal monitoring
Public Health lifts advisory at Lacamas Lake, concludes seasonal monitoring
Clark County partners collaborate to expand winter shelter
Clark County partners collaborate to expand winter shelter
Hazel Dell Community Park picnic shelters and restroom closed for rook replacement Nov. 17-30
Hazel Dell Community Park picnic shelters and restroom closed for rook replacement Nov. 17-30
Vancouver seeks volunteers to serve on Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Vancouver seeks volunteers to serve on Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Clark County has second lowest voter turnout in the state
Clark County has second lowest voter turnout in the state