Ambassadors hand out masks to customers as Vancouver Mall welcomes back its customers

VANCOUVER — The Vancouver Mall resumed operations Wednesday, with face masks that say “Hi,’’ sanitation stations, and safety reminders throughout its property.
From just observation, less than half of the 140 shops were open Wednesday. Many of the stores that were closed had signs noting the plan was to open by Friday or early next week.
Macy’s, for example, is planning to reopen Monday.
“We want to re-welcome our community back to Vancouver Mall today,” said Bree Sanchez, marketing manager at the mall. “We have taken a lot of safety precautions for shoppers who are going to be coming back and rediscovering their favorite stores here.”
Mall ambassadors, as they are called, were on hand to greet shoppers at several of the entry ways. They offered free masks, some with the word “Hi” on the front, as well as bottles of hand sanitizer.
Signage is posted throughout the property as well, reminding folks to keep 6-feet from one another. Many stores required face masks to enter. Some stores also had monitors, counting the number of customers in a store. If the number reached its maximum, shoppers waited in line, following the proper distance guidelines.
Some, but not all, of the restaurants were open Wednesday.
Mary Flores could be seen watching puppies at the Alley Cat Pet Center. She lives near the mall and says she has missed it. She comes here often, and was thrilled to learn that it would be open again.