Third annual Vancouver Tech Tour on Sept. 17 to feature Clark County-based companies

Participants can check in and grab a tour map beginning at 4 p.m. and then continue to approximately 10 stops at tech companies

VANCOUVER — Job seekers, tech enthusiasts and students interested in learning about Clark County’s growing tech community and job opportunities are invited to interact with local tech companies on Tue., Sept. 17 from 4-7 p.m. at various locations throughout downtown Vancouver.

The tour begins at Tandem Hall, an event space managed by CoLab Coworking that shares a footprint with Boomerang Bistro, at 808 Main Street, Suite A.

Participants can check in and grab a tour map beginning at 4 p.m. and then continue to approximately 10 stops at tech companies and other downtown locations hosting tech reps, including CoLab and Heathen Brewing. This year Home Depot Quote Center will be a stop on the tour and attendees can grab a lift on Ryd to and from the space which is outside of the downtown core.

Participating companies include:

  • Core Commissions
  • Edge Networks
  • ForgeRock
  • Home Depot Quote Center
  • Hubb
  • Industrial Training International
  • On Line Support
  • Perfect Company
  • SigmaDesign

Individuals will tour through downtown Vancouver to learn about the innovation local technology companies are working on, experience their company culture, network and learn about current job openings.

To register, go to Tickets are $10 per individual and $5 for students.

The event will culminate at 7 p.m. with an afterparty at Tandem Hall, where attendees will have more opportunities to network with companies and other attendees.

The Vancouver Tech Tour is a program of the Technology Association and hosted in collaboration with Workforce Southwest Washington, Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC) and VanTechy. Event sponsors are DiscoverOrg and Hyphn.

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