Businesses, citizens to be honored for employment of and services to people with developmental or intellectual disabilities

VANCOUVER  ̶  Businesses and individuals who are making a difference in the lives of people with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities will be honored Wed., Oct. 19, at the Disability Employment Awareness Event.

Five Community Awards will be presented at the event, which will be 4-6:30 p.m. at the Heathman Lodge, 7801 N.E. Greenwood Drive. The event also celebrates October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Awards will go to a large employer, small employer and an employee with a development or intellectual disability as well as people being honored for their extraordinary service to those with developmental or intellectual disabilities.

The Clark County Community Awards honor the role people with developmental disabilities have in helping achieve a dynamic, productive workforce and recognize those in the business community who have demonstrated leadership in employing people with developmental or intellectual disabilities.

The event is sponsored by Clark County in conjunction with New Seasons Market, Umpqua Bank, Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and the Heathman Lodge.

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