Business Profile: Current Home Technologies tries to stay ahead of the game

Tony Curtis founded Current Home Technologies in 2008 and it has grown, providing Smart Home systems for security, audio, video, home theater, lighting, and more. Curtis’ office is on Main Street in Vancouver. Photo by Paul Valencia
Tony Curtis founded Current Home Technologies in 2008 and it has grown, providing Smart Home systems for security, audio, video, home theater, lighting, and more. Curtis’ office is on Main Street in Vancouver. Photo by Paul Valencia

Current Home Technologies offers the best in Smart Home systems

Paul Valencia

There is a big screen in a showroom that puts a spotlight on a customer’s wish list of the latest in technology, so the client can see what it will look like in the home before installation.

There is a hallway that showcases the latest technology of lighting systems. Did you know that homes can be equipped with a system that coordinates with the circadian rhythm? Or that the perfect lighting brings out the best in a homeowner’s artwork?

Current Home Technologies, located in Uptown Village in Vancouver, has the answers for your home’s audio and video, security and surveillance, and smart home automation needs.

Oh, and while you are getting those answers from the experts, you might be able to play a round of golf at Pebble Beach in about 45 minutes or so.

That’s just an extra bonus for those who appreciate golf, playing on the simulator that allows the golfer to play courses from all over the world without leaving Clark County.

Among the fun items that Current Home Technologies has to offer is the GolfZon golf simulator. Tony Curtis even created a spin-off business, if you will, with the 19th Hole on Main, as the office of Current Home Technologies in Vancouver. Photo by Paul Valencia
Among the fun items that Current Home Technologies has to offer is the GolfZon golf simulator. Tony Curtis even created a spin-off business, if you will, with the 19th Hole on Main, as the office of Current Home Technologies in Vancouver. Photo by Paul Valencia

The round of golf might not take long, but the relationship that Current Home Technologies has with its clients is long-term.

Tony Curtis, owner and founder of Current Home Technologies, said relationships have to be more than just one transaction. It is not simply installing a new system and that is that.

“We’re providing your technology solutions,” Curtis said. “When I sit here with my clients, I let them know, we view this as a long-term relationship. ‘You’re going to need this upgrade. You’re going to need us in the future.’”

And to make sure Curtis is doing his job, he is always researching the latest and greatest.

“I really love learning. I’m a forever learner,” Curtis said.

In the technology business, “you better keep learning,” he said.

Curtis laughs at himself for his imperfect timing, founding Current Home Technologies in the summer of 2008, during what is now described as the Great Recession.

Well, it turned out, it was a blessing in disguise.

He left a good paying job and started his business out of his home in Kalama. He noted he had no policies, procedures, plans, nor people. He was a one-man crew at the time.

“I’ve seen other companies, guys who will jump out during a hot market, and it’s really busy, and you can make big mistakes really fast and fail,” Curtis said.

“I jumped out in a really cold market in June of 2008. As I got processes under me, the market came back as I began to grow my company,” he said.

“By 2010, I was ready to transition from my house,” Curtis said. “I wanted to be part of the community in Clark County and Vancouver.”

He leased office space on Main Street, remained there for several years, then purchased the building on 19th and Main Street, and moved Current Home Technologies to its current location. 

After renovations to the new office, Curtis and his team were ready to host a grand opening in April of 2020. Well, that didn’t happen.

But what did happen during the pandemic was many homeowners, who were in their homes more than ever, wanted to make upgrades. Current Home Technologies was ready.

“Our focus is on custom audio, video, low-voltage integration systems. Smart homes, primarily in the luxury home market,” Curtis said. “Security, surveillance, audio, video, data, wifi, home theater control systems, lighting, and shade, that’s who we are.”

And they are excellent at what they do, as evidenced by the many awards Current Home Technologies has earned through the years at various competitions, including the Clark County Parade of Homes. Curtis is also proud of the Small Business Association award for best veteran-owned business. Curtis served in the U.S. Navy.

Beyond the lighting, security, and more, Current Home Technologies also dabbles in the golf business.

In 2019, Curtis noticed a trend.

“I saw more and more floor plans with a golf room in it. Simulators were becoming a thing,” he said.

That was something right in Current’s wheelhouse. After some research, Curtis put a GolfZon simulator in his showroom. Prospective clients could try out the simulator at Current’s office. Curtis and Current became the Pacific Northwest supplier for GolfZon.

“Anybody who comes in here and hits a few balls, they are not going to want to leave. They want to stay and play,” Curtis said. “People who are going to stay and play golf, they are probably going to want to have a beverage.”

The office is located at 1900 Main Street, on the corner of 19th and Main in Vancouver.

“The bar at a golf course is often referred to as the 19th hole. I bought the URL for 19th hole on main dot com. I got a liquor license,” Curtis said.

He called it his “side hustle” but sure enough he would book the room for meetings, networking, birthday parties. At the time, there were only a few simulators on the West Coast. 

Now, Current has sold and installed simulators in businesses throughout the Northwest, and, of course, in homes. The 19th Hole at Main is still its own business, but Curtis is not actively seeking out customers. There are other places that offer golf simulators.

Still, it is quite a conversation starter at the office when customers arrive.

Tuesday night at a function sponsored by the Building Industry Association of Clark County, a number of guests tried their luck at Pebble Beach, one of the world’s most famous golf courses.

For some, a golf simulator might be a priority. For others, it is not practical. That’s why Current Home Technologies has so many different products, options.

Curtis said he loves the process his company takes while meeting potential new clients. They are given a link to everything that Current provides, and the clients list what they want and rate each item based on priorities.

After that information is collected, a Current team member will put everything into a presentation for the big screen. The client can come to the showroom, see the plan in action, then make adjustments.

“It isn’t about what I want to do. It’s about, ‘What do you want?’” Curtis explained. “And then we can tell you how we can meet those needs.”

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