Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares that ‘the foundation of totalitarianism is an ...
Opinion: The truth behind the ‘safe and effective’ Pfizer vaccine includes 1,291 side effects and counting
Administrator Heidi Wetzler shines a light on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s release of dat ...
Opinion: Vaccine Mandates — A permanent fix for a temporary problem
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler discusses why she believes that ‘if the mandates aren ...
Opinion: How have we gotten here? Mass Formation Psychosis, explained
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares clinical psychology professor Mattias Desmet’s ...
Opinion: This is not about COVID
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler explains why mandates and other actions taken in the ...
Opinion: This is the hill I will die on. Have you thought about yours?
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler warns others that ‘one day the fight for a liberty yo ...
Opinion: Why aren’t we celebrating the naturally immune?
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler provides compelling information about how natural imm ...
Opinion: Mandated Vaccinations — Who is responsible for their risks?
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares her thoughts on the repercussions of COVID-19 ...
Opinion: Can the ‘Divided States’ ever unite again?
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler offers a radical solution for a broken America. ...
Opinion: We should be questioning the global suppression of early treatment options for COVID-19
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares what she believes is a medical tragedy that CO ...
Opinion: ‘Journalists are literally responsible for filling the minds of a society’
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler discusses the performance of the journalism industry ...
Opinion: Who is responsible for my health?
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler challenges our leaders “to put as much energy and vig ...
Opinion: ‘Stop telling me who I am’
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares her latest thoughts, which focus on those who ...
Opinion: To be unified does not mean beliefs need to be uniform
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares her thoughts on the performance of our elected ...
Opinion: A challenge for our leaders; how to earn my respect
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares her thoughts and experiences during the corona ...
Opinion: I will choose my neighbor; please join me
Clark County Today’s Heidi Wetzler shares her thoughts on how we might choose to interact with one a ...
Opinion: ‘What do you do when your children don’t choose the path you have all laid out for them’ Administrator Heidi Wetzler reflects on her own academic career and those of he ...
Opinion: ‘When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind’ Administrator Heidi Wetzler offers her thoughts on the hostile nature of politi ...
Opinion: An open letter to this nation’s educators
Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler outlines the work that should be the focus of teacher ...